Load cases and load combinations

Load cases

You can group different loads in a single load case and add these to a SystemElements object. Let’s look at an example. First we create a frame girder.

from anastruct import SystemElements
from anastruct import LoadCase, LoadCombination
import numpy as np

ss = SystemElements()
height = 10

x = np.cumsum([0, 4, 7, 7, 4])
y = np.zeros(x.shape)
x = np.append(x, x[::-1])
y = np.append(y, y + height)

ss.add_element_grid(x, y)
ss.add_element([[0, 0], [0, height]])
ss.add_element([[4, 0], [4, height]])
ss.add_element([[11, 0], [11, height]])
ss.add_element([[18, 0], [18, height]])
ss.add_support_hinged([1, 5])

Now we can add a loadcase for all the wind loads.

lc_wind = LoadCase('wind')
lc_wind.q_load(q=-1, element_id=[10, 11, 12, 13, 5])



Loadcase wind:
{'q_load-1': {'direction': 'element',
              'element_id': [10, 11, 12, 13, 5],
              'q': -1}}

And apply to the load case to our system.

# add the load case to the SystemElements object

Load combinations

We can also combine load cases in a load combination with the LoadCombination class. First remove the previous load case from the system, create a LoadCombination object and add the LoadCase objects to the LoadCombination object.

# reset the structure

# create another load case
lc_cables = LoadCase('cables')
lc_cables.point_load(node_id=[2, 3, 4], Fy=-100)

combination = LoadCombination('ULS')
combination.add_load_case(lc_wind, 1.5)
combination.add_load_case(lc_cables, factor=1.2)

Now we can make a separate calculation for every load case and for the whole load combination. We solve the combination by calling the solve method and passing our SystemElements model. The solve method returns a dictionary where the keys are the load cases and the values are the unique SystemElement objects for every load case. There is also a key combination in the results dictionary.

results = combination.solve(ss)

for k, ss in results.items():

Load case wind

_images/lc_wind_structure.png _images/lc_wind_displa.png

Load case cables

_images/lc_cables_structure.png _images/lc_cables_displa.png



Load case class

class anastruct.fem.util.load.LoadCase(name)[source]

Group different loads in a load case

Parameters:name – (str) Name of the load case
dead_load(element_id, g)[source]

Apply a dead load in kN/m on elements.

  • element_id – (int/ list) representing the element ID
  • g – (flt/ list) Weight per meter. [kN/m] / [N/m]
moment_load(node_id, Ty)[source]

Apply a moment on a node.

  • node_id – (int/ list) Nodes ID.
  • Ty – (flt/ list) Moments acting on the node.
point_load(node_id, Fx=0, Fy=0, rotation=0)[source]

Apply a point load to a node.

  • node_id – (int/ list) Nodes ID.
  • Fx – (flt/ list) Force in global x direction.
  • Fy – (flt/ list) Force in global x direction.
  • rotation – (flt/ list) Rotate the force clockwise. Rotation is in degrees.
q_load(q, element_id, direction='element')[source]

Apply a q-load to an element.

  • element_id – (int/ list) representing the element ID
  • q – (flt) value of the q-load
  • direction – (str) “element”, “x”, “y”

Load combination class

class anastruct.fem.util.load.LoadCombination(name)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

add_load_case(lc, factor)[source]

Add a load case to the load combination.

  • lc – (anastruct.fem.util.LoadCase)
  • factor – (flt) Multiply all the loads in this LoadCase with this factor.
solve(system, force_linear=False, verbosity=0, max_iter=200, geometrical_non_linear=False, **kwargs)[source]

Evaluate the Load Combination.

  • system – (anastruct.fem.system.SystemElements) Structure to apply loads on.
  • force_linear – (bool) Force a linear calculation. Even when the system has non linear nodes.
  • verbosity – (int) 0: Log calculation outputs. 1: silence.
  • max_iter – (int) Maximum allowed iterations.
  • geometrical_non_linear – (bool) Calculate second order effects and determine the buckling factor.


Development **kwargs:
param naked:(bool) Whether or not to run the solve function without doing post processing.
param discretize_kwargs:
 When doing a geometric non linear analysis you can reduce or increase the number of elements created that are used for determining the buckling_factor